ByteCode Instruction Set Summary

Bytecode instruction format:

                     <opcode> [<operand1> [<operand2>]]


·        An instruction can have 0 or more operands

·        If an operand is more than one byte in size, then it is stored in big-endian order-high-order byte first. For example, an unsigned 16-bit index into the local variables is stored as two unsigned bytes, byte1 and byte2, such that its value is

                     (byte1<<8) | byte2


Ignoring exceptions, the inner loop of a Java virtual machine interpreter is effectively


                     do {

                            fetch an opcode;

                            if (operands) fetch operands;

                            execute the action for the opcode;


                     while (there is more to do);

Bytecode example for a method:

The spin method simply spins around an empty for loop 100 times:

void spin() {

    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

          ;                                               // Loop body is empty



A compiler might compile spin to

Method void spin()

   0     iconst_0   // Push int constant 0

   1 istore_1        // Store into local variable 1 (i=0)

   2     goto 8                      // First time through don't increment

   5     iinc 1 1     // Increment local variable 1 by 1 (i++)

   8     iload_1                     // Push local variable 1 (i)

   9     bipush 100               // Push int constant 100

  11    if_icmplt 5                // Compare and loop if less than (i < 100)

  14    return                       // Return void when done


Load and Store Instructions

The load and store instructions transfer values between the local variables and the operand stack of a Java virtual machine frame:

·        Load a local variable onto the operand stack:
iload, iload_<n>, lload, lload_<n>, fload, fload_<n>, dload, dload_<n>, aload, aload_<n>.

·        Store a value from the operand stack into a local variable:
istore, istore_<n>, lstore, lstore_<n>, fstore, fstore_<n>, dstore, dstore_<n>, astore, astore_<n>.

·        Load a constant onto the operand stack:
bipush, sipush, ldc, ldc_w, ldc2_w, aconst_null, iconst_m1, iconst_<i>, lconst_<l>, fconst_<f>, dconst_<d>.

·        Gain access to more local variables using a wider index, or to a larger immediate operand:


Arithmetic Instructions

The arithmetic instructions compute a result that is typically a function of two values on the operand stack, pushing the result back on the operand stack. There are two main kinds of arithmetic instructions: those operating on integer values and those operating on floating-point values.


The arithmetic instructions are as follows:

·        Add: iadd, ladd, fadd, dadd.

·        Subtract: isub, lsub, fsub, dsub.

·        Multiply: imul, lmul, fmul, dmul.

·        Divide: idiv, ldiv, fdiv, ddiv.

·        Remainder: irem, lrem, frem, drem.

·        Negate: ineg, lneg, fneg, dneg.

·        Shift: ishl, ishr, iushr, lshl, lshr, lushr.

·        Bitwise OR: ior, lor.

·        Bitwise AND: iand, land.

·        Bitwise exclusive OR: ixor, lxor.

·        Local variable increment: iinc.

·        Comparison: dcmpg, dcmpl, fcmpg, fcmpl, lcmp.



Type Conversion Instructions

·        widening numeric conversion instructions are i2l, i2f, i2d, l2f, l2d, and f2d.

·        narrowing numeric conversion instructions are i2b, i2c, i2s, l2i, f2i, f2l, d2i, d2l, and d2f.


Operand Stack Management Instructions

A number of instructions are provided for the direct manipulation of the operand stack: pop, pop2, dup, dup2, dup_x1, dup2_x1, dup_x2, dup2_x2, swap.


Object Creation and Manipulation

Although both class instances and arrays are objects, the Java virtual machine creates and manipulates class instances and arrays using distinct sets of instructions:

·        Create a new class instance: new.

·        Create a new array: newarray, anewarray, multianewarray.

·        Access fields of classes (static fields, known as class variables): getstatic, putstatic.

·        Access fields of class instances (known as instance variables): getfield, putfield

·        Load an array component onto the operand stack: baload, caload, saload, iaload, laload, faload, daload, aaload.

·        Store a value from the operand stack as an array component: bastore, castore, sastore, iastore, lastore, fastore, dastore, aastore.

·        Get the length of array: arraylength.

·        Check properties of class instances or arrays: instanceof, checkcast.


Operand Stack Management Instructions

A number of instructions are provided for the direct manipulation of the operand stack: pop, pop2, dup, dup2, dup_x1, dup2_x1, dup_x2, dup2_x2, swap.

The control transfer instructions conditionally or unconditionally cause the Java virtual machine to continue execution with an instruction other than the one following the control transfer instruction. They are:

·        Conditional branch: ifeq, iflt, ifle, ifne, ifgt, ifge, ifnull, ifnonnull, if_icmpeq, if_icmpne, if_icmplt, if_icmpgt, if_icmple, if_icmpge, if_acmpeq, if_acmpne.

·        Compound conditional branch: tableswitch, lookupswitch.

·        Unconditional branch: goto, goto_w, jsr, jsr_w, ret.


Method Invocation and Return Instructions

The following four instructions invoke methods:

·        invokevirtual invokes an instance method of an object, dispatching on the (virtual) type of the object. This is the normal method dispatch in the Java programming language.

·        invokeinterface invokes a method that is implemented by an interface, searching the methods implemented by the particular runtime object to find the appropriate method.

·        invokespecial invokes an instance method requiring special handling, whether an instance initialization method (§3.9), a private method, or a superclass method.

·        invokestatic invokes a class (static) method in a named class.


Return Instructions: return, ireturn, lreturn, freturn , dreturn, and areturn.


Throwing Exceptions

An exception is thrown programmatically using the athrow instruction. Exceptions can also be thrown by various Java virtual machine instructions if they detect an abnormal condition.











Jikes RVM Code Generation for POWERPC:




What does the stacktrace look like when machine code is generated from bytecode (.class file)?


VM_BaselineCompiler::genCode(); at line 305 returns VM_MachineCode

VM_BaselineCompiler::compile() at line 195

VM_BaselineCompiler::compile(VM_Method;) returns VM_CompiledMethod; at

 line 181

VM_RuntimeCompilerInfrastructure::baselineCompile(LVM_Method;) returns

VM_CompiledMethod; at line 150

VM_RuntimeCompiler:: compile(LVM_Method;)returns VM_CompiledMethod; at

 line 28

VM_Method::compile() at line 428

VM::runClassInitializer(Ljava/lang/String;) at line 266

VM::boot() at line 150


























  protected final VM_MachineCode genCode () {


    for (bi=0; bi<bytecodes.length;) {

      bytecodeMap[bi] = asm.getMachineCodeIndex();


      biStart = bi;

      int code = fetch1ByteUnsigned();

      switch (code) {

      case 0x00: /* nop */ {

                     if (shouldPrint) asm.noteBytecode(biStart, "nop");




      case 0x01: /* aconst_null */ {

                     if (shouldPrint) asm.noteBytecode(biStart, "aconst_null ");







      case 0x60: /* iadd */ {

                     if (shouldPrint) asm.noteBytecode(biStart, "iadd");







      case 0xc9: /* jsr_w */ {

                     int offset = fetch4BytesSigned();

                     int bTarget = biStart + offset;

                     if (shouldPrint) asm.noteBytecode(biStart, "jsr_w " + offset + " [" + bTarget + "] ");






                     VM.sysWrite("VM_Compiler: unexpected bytecode: " + VM_Services.getHexString((int)code, false) + "\n");

                     if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM.assert(VM.NOT_REACHED);



    return asm.finalizeMachineCode(bytecodeMap);




An Example of a bytecode to machinecode generation method:




   * Emit code to implement the iadd bytecode


  protected final void emit_iadd() {

    asm.emitL  (T0,  0, SP);        //LOAD // L T0, 0(SP) -- pop Top of Stack into reg

    asm.emitL  (T1,  4, SP);        //LOAD // L T1, 4(SP) -- pop next Stack elem into reg

    asm.emitA  (T2, T1, T0);      //ADD      // ADD T2, T1, T0 --- add two reg      

    asm.emitSTU(T2,  4, SP);    //STORE// STU T2, 4(SP) --- store result back to TOS






EmitL method generates a load instruction of the form  L RT, D(RA). The exact machine format of the instruction is as follows:


powerpc load instruction format:


0-5      -> opcode(32)

6-10    -> RT(target register)

11-15  -> RA(source register)

16-31  -> D(displacement offset/immediate)


It starts with Ltemplate that has the opcode(32) set in the 0-5 bits. Then it operates on it using bit manipulation to put in RT, D, and RA


static final int Ltemplate = 32<<26;

final void emitL (int RT, int D, int RA) {

    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM.assert(fits(D, 16));

    INSTRUCTION mi = Ltemplate  | RT<<21 | RA<<16 | (D&0xFFFF);

    if (VM.TraceAssembler)

      asm(mIP, mi, "l", RT, signedHex(D), RA);
















It generates an add instruction of the form “Add  RT, RA, RB”. The exact machine

Format of this instruction is as follows:


powerpc Add instruction format:


0-5      -> opcode(31)

6-10    -> RT(target register)

11-15  -> RA(source register)

16-20  -> RB(source register)

21       -> overflow exception bit/0

22-30  -> 10

31       ->  Record flag bit


static final int Atemplate = 31<<26 | 10<<1;

final void emitA (int RT, int RA, int RB) {

    INSTRUCTION mi = Atemplate | RT<<21 | RA<<16 | RB<<11;

    if (VM.TraceAssembler)

      asm(mIP, mi, "a", RT,  RA, RB);






It generates an STU instruction of the form 'STU  RS, D(RA)'


Instruction format for STU(store with update)


0-5      -> opcode(37)

6-10    -> RT(target register)

11-15  -> RA(source register)

16-31  -> D(displacement offset)



static final int STUtemplate = 37<<26;

final void emitSTU (int RS, int D, int RA) {

    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM.assert(fits(D, 16));

    INSTRUCTION mi = STUtemplate | RS<<21 | RA<<16 | (D&0xFFFF);

    if (VM.TraceAssembler)

      asm(mIP, mi, "stu", RS, signedHex(D), RA);









Discussions about Further Direction for Jalapeño/SV1 Project
Preliminary Decisions to Make towards the Machine Code Generator
Lab 307

Cray Assembly Language (CAL) for Cray PVP Systems Reference Manual is the only available instruction manual for Cray PVP (Parallel Vector Processing) systems from CrayDoc (CRI’s official document distribution site). This is confirmed information through an e-mail response from CrayDoc Order Desk. “This manual does support the SV1 series systems.  There are no other CAL manuals that are SV1 specific.”

[Figure 1] is a diagram drawn based on the compatibility information in an unofficial Cray FAQ in a newsgroup comp.unix.cray. It also mentioned that a generation has binary compatibility with the generation one step backward.

[Figure 1]

An educated guess from the information above is to adhere to SV1 specific documents as much as possible. For areas without SV1 specific information, we can refer to information for J90 since SV1 is binary compatible with J90se according to the information above.

The majority (about 80% in terms of the number of instruction) of them are common on Cray PVP systems. However, in-depth evaluation would be necessary about how significant the J90 specific instructions are for a generic executable image among a few hundred of machine instructions.

An alternative way to overcome those problems mentioned above is to emit Cray Assembly Codes instead of machine instructions and to use build-in assembler and linker. Additional benefit is Cray PVP systems supports CAL whichever physical layer they are. Besides, the intermediary assembly file would make the debugging process much easier. Please note that it is not though to be feasible to debug the Cray executable of the boot-image (Target JVM we build that runs on Cray).

In fact Cray PVP systems do have pass and breakpoint instructions. However it would require much more work to implement debugging feature with the binary file because the boot-image is a mapped direct-translation of Java Bytecode.

There is very little information available on Cray CPU Architecture. We are identifying the architectural structures by analyzing machine instruction i.e. addressing model, pragmatic usage of registers, system calls

For the next steps, comparison seem to be necessary between Java Bytecode instructions and Cray machine instructions or Cray Assembly Language depending on which one we choose. At the same time, more research on native Cray representations of native Java types on Cray should be accompanied along with the comparison.